I see you as a traveling carnival. This will not be an annual meeting
we are going to do. Well maybe annual here in Hanau. Instead of
people having to come where you do the meeting, you will go to the
people and do those gatherings. And when the carnival comes to
town, the whole family rejoices, because it is actually family time.
And by doing this you will enable people to rediscover, how they are
children of heaven. A travelling carnival gives joy to the city. You are
going to spread joy into Europe, into cities, into countries, into
regions. Borders are not going to hinder you. Brexit or whatever is in
Europe. Where Europe is divided you will bring unity. It is not only a
circus like we know it, like the circus Soleil. It is majestic. In the circus
Soleil, there are top athletes. Top people work there. And I call you
top athletes in the Kingdom of God. And you will recruit other top
athletes. And maybe they don’t see themselves as top athletes yet,
but I open your eyes so you will see the gold inside them. And then I
saw the spirit that is on Burn 24/7 movement, who I met recently. I
see the same spirit and the same heart over you, because their heart
and desire is to gather people to worship God. No agenda; just
letting the Holy Spirit do what he does so well. You will build upon
what is already built from them. So I bless you.
You are giant slayers. As you will face giants, you will hear the roar of
Goliath. When David heard the roar, he was not afraid. He had
passion and he wanted to defend the name of God. When the roar
comes, it will not create fear, but it will create freedom. Pick up your
stones and go where God wants you to go. Where people say there is
a problem, you know there is no problem. God is positioning you as
he is always empowering you. You have the power to do what he
calls you to do. And how you will do it is by the simplicity of the
stones. And you will just throw them and it will knock down the
giants, who will fall. There will be a double portion of joy. So bless
Dax Batalaan
Empowering Europe Gathering 2019
Copyright 2022 Empowering Europe