In August (2023), I had a dream. The Lord told me: “I am going to start the Himalaya Express.” I was puzzled and confused and asked Him why. He explained to me that as unreachable and as hard as it seems to cross the Himalaya, oftentimes so have the European churches this same conviction of reaching and connecting the other streams of kingdom expressions (believers, other denominations) out of fear. The Lord says, “I am capable of connecting you with each other although it might seem unbelievable. I am going to make it work and that’s why I call it ‘the Himalaya Express’. Because you don’t need to climb over the mountains, I am going to work underground, through these friendships and relationships. So it’s not going to happen via the “highways” of human doctrines, dogmas, titles, positions nor names. It will be a one-on-one in direct connection with each other. So don’t try to take these so called “highways” of dogma’s trying to reach each other because then you’ll get stuck and these amazing ‘railroads of Grace connection’ won’t be built after all. Instead you’ll need to go the humble ‘road of friendship and love’”, says the Lord. “That’s going to connect you with each other. You will notice that more and more people will leave the religious church infrastructures and the group of believers who (already have) left the church will grow. When you witness this happening, remember then this saying, ‘Not all whom are wandering are lost’. You’ll meet more and more people who are not connected to a church anymore. When you do, don’t write them off as lost. They’re still having a relationship with Christ and Me – the Father. They are desperate to see God’s Kingdom family take form in society. This will take place through grace, hope and love. And you, you will be one of those persons that connect with these isolated community groups of that village, that city, that church, … to finally connect them with each other! You will be able to reach them, to connect and to nurture them into the Kingdom and connect this stand-alone groups with the larger Family of God. You will become part of that new Kingdom family that I am putting you into. For you are to become whom I have created you to be in this time!”
The Lord says, “I am the God that is Light; Love and Life. As you are made in My image and likeness, you are also Light, Love and Light and that’s what you have to offer to your surroundings.”
You are in the Father, and He in you.
Peter Parthoens
September 2023, Empowering Europe conference.