Coming Together

Leader stay standing in this season as Europe needs servant hearted leaders. “Stand up” leaders so the people you lead can “wake up”. Wake up the body – their hearts and spirit. “Make up” reconcile with the people who are in the body of Christ who have been hurt by leaders. Leader stand up, wake up your flock and make up. Church needs to be awake and have good balance between the word and the supernatural. Word and spirit is becoming one river of understanding the word and supernatural and people will come back to the church. God is awakening Europe from north to south and east to west and is singing a new song over Europe, singing it over His people, bringing His body to maturity. He wants the revival river of Holy Spirit that He is about to be poured out to be contained within a healthy, sound structure. He will being unity and reconciliation, and washing away all the doctrine that divides. He is reuniting His body and He is calling and raising up healthy apostles and prophets to bring family to the body of Christ.

I saw a body pierced with needles and swords, that is false teaching, Calvinism, I speak truth over the body of Christ open your eyes to see the truth! Holy Spirit is speaking with a voice of correction right now. Put down your logos and egos.

Then I saw people being drawn to conferences and certain places and being fed milk. It is time to let the people learn how to eat. Leaders you have to stop breast feeding them milk. It is a good easy way to keep people content, but they don’t grow. I declare God is raising up healthy fivefold leaders. We will see different fires over Europe, but they will become one consuming fire.

I see the gold in everybody and see everyone fly! God is clearing away dead leaves over Europe. Clearing away everything that is dead and does not bring life. He is getting rid of all this old stuff and creating space for His new thing. I saw an empty motorway. God is making a way to bring His acceleration over Europe I saw an Indian silver wear pot over Europe. It was empty. Waiting for God to pour into it, his goodness and joy and His Spirit. I saw the leaves turn to compost which enable growth, we need to honour the old things so they are not wasted. Old vessels can be used again to contain new water, turned into wine.

God wants to encourage each nation in Europe about their diversity and uniqueness. Different languages are spoken, unlike other continents like South America. I feel God wants to encourage each nation, affirming them in their identity. Maybe they have lost that or tried to become like something else, or put themselves down, or comparison. God is encouraging nations to regain their traditions and cultures, where it has been lost. Regain this value because it is part of that countries heritage and makes Europe beautiful.

Dax, Elena, Christine, Adriana, Vicki
Company of Prophets 2019

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