Restoring the Body

I see the Lord highlighting how Empowering Europe is founded on the apostles and on the prophets. It is an apostolic and prophetic movement. I had a dream in which I saw a church meeting. It was drawing to an end and the alter call was about to be given. I watched how hundreds of people flooded through the doors of the church and came through the door of the meeting room and came up to the alter. They were the fivefold gifts that had grown weary and abandoned the church.

God is calling these fivefold gifts back to be reconnected with his body. I saw the people kneeling on the ground and then arising to take their place and be reconnected with the body of Christ. It is time for these gifts to equip the body to come into its full maturity.

As it says in Isaiah 61, the Lord is restoring. He is giving beauty instead of ashes. He is mending the hearts of those who have been bruised and broken and enabling those who are scarred to be ones who rebuild the ancient cities. The Lord calls you whole, he is calling you to be ones who rebuild and ones who take your place with confidence and love.

You have been ones who have been with the Lord in the secret place. You have let him transform your heart. You have let him do a deep work in you and prepare you to be the ones who know how to move in this season. You will shape your surrounding environment. You have been through the process and you have let the Lord mold you. You have been through the fire of testing and you have come out refined like gold.

It is through your loving heart that you will equip the body of Christ to function as “mature” saints. Everything you need has been deposited within you. The Lord has given you a heart of love. You know how to love unconditionally, and it is through love, that brings unity, that you will rebuild the ancient cities.

Elena Goodearl,
Company of Prophets

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